How to use and/or conditions in Adaptix Segements

In the menu under contacts, click “Segments”. This will show you all your current segments.  You can click on an existing segment or create a new segment.

  • Open up the details page of the chosen segment and click on “Edit” located in the top right of the page. 
  • Click on the “Filters” tab and a filter of your preference to your segment.
  • Add another filter. 

To set the filter to run both criteria’s you would use the “And” function. This function means that the contacts in this filter will have to meet both criteria’s in order to be in the segment.

If you use the “or” function this will mean the contact will one need to meet one of the criteria to be in the segment. The segment will display contacts that only meets one of the criteria’s.

For example,

  • If I add a filter that shows only people that reside in the state of Pennsylvania AND their email contains ‘Gmail’ – The segment will only store contacts that match both criteria’s.
  • If I add a filter that shows only people that reside in the state of Pennsylvania OR their email contains ‘Gmail’- The segment will only store contacts that match at least one of the criteria’s.

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