How do I tag contacts when they click a link on an email?

Adding a tag to a contact from clicking on an email can be done by creating a tagging automation on Adaptix.

  • Open up the “Workflow/Automation” page in your Adaptix menu and create a new campaign or alter an existing one.
  • Open up the Campaign Builder and select the segment or form you want to use with this automation.
  • Add a action, click “Send Email”
  • Select the email you want to use and press “Add'”
  • From the Action you want to select a decision. So if you want to do something when a user clicks a link in the email you will select “Visits a Page”.
  • Then you will click the green + arrow from the Decisions box which will mean that the User clicked a link and now you can respond to that action.
  • You will add a action from the decisions , select “Modify Contacts Tag” . Here you can add or remove tags based on the User clicking a link in your email.

Shown below is a video of creating the automation:


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