Getting started with Dynamic Web Content (DWC)

Dynamic Web Content

Adaptix introduced the ability to embed content on a web page dynamically for both anonymous visitors and known contacts.

You can set up as many items as you need. The default will be delivered via the “Request Dynamic Content” decision in a campaign. If you want to push something different based on a set of criteria, you create those here and deliver them via a “Push Dynamic Content” action.

Campaign Based?

Toggle the “Is campaign based” button to No (Notice how when No is selected, the “Slot Name” field is available and the filters tab is displayed so new filters can be created.

Dynamic web content supports these tokens:

  • Contact Fields – example {contactfield=firstname}
  • Page Link – example {pagelink=1}
  • Asset Link – example {assetlink=1}
  • Form – example {form=1}
  • Focus Item – example {focus=1}

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