Kiosk Mode in Forms

Kiosk Mode The kiosk mode is helpful when you know that some form will be submitted from one device by multiple contacts. For example like a kiosk at a conference. When the kiosk mode is turned on, each submission will create a new contact. When kiosk mode is turned off, […]

How do I make fields in my form required?

Adaptix allows you to make fields required within a form. Creating required fields can allow you to collect more information that is essential and beneficial to your marketing strategy/ business goals. To make the fields in a form required , follow the steps listed below: Create a new form or […]

How do I change the thank you message for my form?

Adaptix allows you to add and customize a message to show when a user submits a form or confirms their subscription. Open up the form and go to the details tab Under “Successful Submit Action” , select “Display Message” Type the message you want to display under “Redirect URL/Message” The […]