Troubleshooting emails

Open email tracking doesn’t get tracked
Emails are being tracked by a tracking pixel. This is simply a 1 pixel GIF image in the source code of email messages sent by Adaptix.

When an email is opened by an email client like Outlook, Thunderbird or Gmail, the client tries to load the images in it. The image load request is what Adaptix uses to track the email open action.

Some email clients have auto loading images disabled, and users have to click on a “Load Images” button to load images inside an email message.

If the images aren’t loaded for this reason or another, Adaptix doesn’t know about the open action. Therefore, email open tracking is not 100% accurate.

Email link clicks are not getting tracked
Before an email is sent, Adaptix replaces all links in the email with links back to Adaptix including a unique key. If the contact clicks on such a link, the contact is redirected to Adaptix.

Adaptix tracks the click action and redirects the contact to the original location. It’s fast so the contact doesn’t usually notice the additional redirect.

If the email click doesn’t get tracked, make sure that:

  1. Your Adaptix server is on a public URL. Tracking doesn’t work on a localhost.
  2. Make sure the email was sent to an existing contact via a campaign or a segment email. Emails sent by the Send Example link, direct email (from the contact detail) or form submission preview won’t replace links with trackables.
  3. Make sure the URL in the href attribute is absolute and valid. It should start with http:// or https://.
  4. You’ve opened the link in a incognito browser. More about it in the Campaign troubleshooting.
  5. Check if the link in the email has been replaced by Adaptix’s tracking link. If not, report it on Github with all the details (Adaptix version, PHP version, what the link URL is before sending, what it is after sending and so on).

Unsubscribe link doesn’t work
The unsubscribe link doesn’t work in test emails.

This is because the test emails are sent to a Adaptix user and not to a Adaptix contact.

Adaptix users cannot be unsubscribed and therefore the unsubscribe link looks like this:|URL|. However, the link will work correctly when you send the email to a contact.

Best practice is to create a segment with a small number of users to receive test emails (for example, yourself) – this will ensure that you can fully test features such as unsubscribe behaviour.

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