Campaign Builder: Decision, Action, & Condition

In Adaptix, the Campaign Builder provides a blank canvas on which you can build your Campaign workflow. A Campaign Builder is made up of conditions, decisions, and actions. It enables you to create a simple workflow by dragging and dropping various decisions, actions, and conditions onto a canvas.


Campaign actions are events that you initiate on your contacts or contact records. These can represent sending communications to the contact or may automate operational tasks to keep your marketing running. A single Campaign can include more than one action. When you create a Campaign, you select one of these actions to begin the workflow.


Campaign decisions are actions that your Contacts initiate. Downloading an asset, opening an email, or visiting a landing page are examples of decisions. These decisions can be either directly initiated or implied based on non-action. The options for decisions change based on the Campaign actions that you select .A decision usually has two paths that are denoted by the red and green points on the decision tree.


Campaign conditions are used to execute different actions based on a Contact’s data. For example, a condition can be configured to execute an action if a Contact has a valid email address or do something else if they do not. A condition has two paths that are denoted by the red and green points.

For more information about Campaign actions, decisions, and conditions, see the following topics:




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